Photo Restoration
We restore your old photos so you can enjoy them for many years to come
Do you have stained, faded or ripped photographs? WeScanFilm can scan and enhance these photos while repairing the trials of time and environments to their original beauty. Even Old slides or negatives can be restored.
Photo restoration is based on the time required but averages 15.00 per image

Digital Photograph Restoration-What Is It?
Digital photograph restoration is the art of bringing a digital copy of a physical photograph back to life. Photographs can be easily damaged by time, environmental causes, or simply by neglect or a man-made error. Digital photograph restoration can take that digital copy of a photograph and restore it to what that photograph once was. Digital photograph restoration is not simply restoring the photo itself, but the memories that come along with it, as well as digitizing it so you never have to worry about damages again, and that memory can be preserved forever. You won’t find greater care taken with anyone else within the DFW community. We care highly about the satisfaction of our clients and the memories and experiences you will certainly get with restoration of photos you thought might have been long gone with no hope of fixing them to what they once were. Let us help get your family story told and preserved, be it just for you or to send it out to your family so everyone can reminisce on your amazing stories and family memories. We care about your family stories and history, and will take great care preserving and restoring whatever you send to us. Guaranteed, you won’t find a better solution in the DFW metroplex to bring your photographs back to life.
How is photo restoration done?

What is your primary goal when it comes to photo restoration?
“My primary objective with any photo restoration is accuracy. Preserving all the finer details of an image is incredibly important to me, like, for example, a striped pattern of clothing, or simply just the tiny film grains that form the image and give it it’s warmth and clarity. And because we scan at a higher resolution, the patterns become that more eye-catching. The fun part for me then is finding all the hidden details that get buried for decades by fading, damage or other forms of distortion, and make the viewer notice what might have been long forgotten. I also love to bring out the richness of the colors, whenever present.“
Where does your passion for the art of photo restoration come from?
“My passion for photo restoration comes much from watching old technicolor films from the ‘30s, ‘40s, and ‘50s that have been carefully restored in high definition. You can really tell when someone puts a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into those restorations because they look like they could have been shot yesterday. It’s the same with my role. It gives me so much joy seeing decades of wear and tear disappear and to see memories of the past with such clarity and vibrance. It’s like lifting a veil off the past. The people in these films or photos don’t feel so antiquated and alien anymore, and become that much closer and human to you.”
What are some of the first things you look at when starting a new photo restoration project?
“First thing I typically look at is how much damage and distortion this photo has. Find signs of warping, straighten the image, crop out any excess on the edges, making sure not to remove content. Then, if it’s a color photo, begin color restoration. After that I start tackling clean-up, removing any obstructions the photo might have. This could be creases, spills, scratches, tears, etc. This is the stage where sometimes I have to let my artist loose and make some painterly amendments, while making sure it retains accuracy to the original. Finally, If the image is faded I use tools to give it depth and dimension. Then, if needed, some more retouching. At the end, I would then make some final adjustments to give the overall image an even and appealing look.”
How long does it take to restore a photo?
“Not every photo will require so much maintenance. It’s definitely case-by-case, to remain efficient. The amount of time a job takes depends somewhat on age, but more importantly on how well the image was taken care of in its lifetime as well as the customer’s wants and budget.”
What kind of programs are used for photo restoration?
“I’ve been able to learn different programs for tasks like video and audio editing, but my go-to photo editor of choice is Photoshop. It’s the industry standard and once you’ve mastered all of its tools, it’s difficult to switch to anything else. I can’t live without it.”